Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Happy New Year Everyone!  Let's hope 2010 is a better year for you and your family!

Speaking of hope, I hope to get better pictures (well, I would be happy with A picture) of raptors from my car. I had to find a way to work smarter.

As I drive through these wildlife areas looking for bald eagles, and other raptors (winter is a good time to do this..), I come across some real beauties on a tree limb, fence post, etc... and then the trick is... getting a good picture with a long lens. I have tried to be "sneaky", stealthy, go slow, don't make eye contact etc.... but as soon as I open the car door (ever so slowly) or roll the window down... pooooooffff they are gone! These guys are smart... and Skittish is the word.

So, I purchased a bean bag support for a long lens. I should have it in a day or so. I believe this will help me use my car as a blind, avoid exiting the car, etc. thus get those images that I am missing otherwise.  I can use this on my window, hood, the ground, etc. This product was highly recommended.

I am eager to try it out... and I will post some "bean bag supported" images here for evidence!

1 comment:

  1. There is a device that attaches to your car window that is similar to a tripod head. So instead of legs, the device has a vice grip for the window.

